Youth 4 Youth

Youth 4 Youth, een internationaal uitwisselingsproject van Bosco Base vzw, biedt een unieke vrijwilligerskans voor 16 internationale animatoren.

Het project duurt twee weken. De vrijwilligers worden verdeeld in kleinere groepen en werken op verschillende Don Boscospeelpleinen. Samen met de Vlaamse animatoren organiseren zij activiteiten voor kinderen van 4 tot 16 jaar. Het doel is om een leuke en positieve omgeving te creëren en blijvende herinneringen te maken voor de kinderen. Vrijwilligers helpen bij het plannen, leiden en evalueren van de activiteiten. Deze ervaring biedt ook kansen voor persoonlijke groei in leiderschap, sociale vaardigheden, jeugdwerk en taalvaardigheid.

In de weekends komen alle internationale vrijwilligers samen voor een programma georganiseerd door Bosco Base. Dit programma omvat trainingssessies, het delen van ervaringen, interculturele activiteiten en culturele uitstapjes naar verschillende Belgische steden, zoals Halle, Leuven en Gent.

We spraken met Matilde uit Italië.

Who are you?  How did you find our project?

I’m Matilde and I’m 18 years old. I have been an animator in the playground of my town in Italy for two years.

I got involved in a Don Bosco playground because some friends of mine were already taking part in the organization of the summer camp, so I initially started to spend more time with the kids and to meet new people from my area. I really enjoyed it so I continued my journey there!

I found the Y4Y project while I was looking in the European youth portal for an opportunity to volunteer around the world. I found this opportunity while scrolling and I thought it would be perfect.

Why did you decide that you wanted to join our project?

I was looking for an activity that involved playing with kids and, at the same time, learning more about another culture. When I found this opportunity online I didn’t even look at other options because it would be perfect for me!

Did you already do an international project in the past?

I haven’t taken part in an international project like this one yet.

What do you hope to learn/ experience during our Y4Y-project?

I definitely hope to learn more about Belgian culture and the differences between oratories in Belgium and Italy. I would like to experience as many different things as I can since I love to try new activities and get engaged in a different environment!

"I definitely hope to learn more about Belgian culture and the differences between oratories in Belgium and Italy." 

What do you like to do the most if you are working with kids?

I like to play with kids, especially when it involves sports and creative activities such as painting or dancing.

What kind of activities did you organise already and for who?

My playground in Italy organized activities such as singing, dancing, playing sports, playing what we call 'big games' where everyone has to play together. Once a week we organized a trip to the mountains or by the seaside. It was open to everyone: everybody who wanted to participate was welcome, since the parents only had to pay for the food given for lunch and if there was someone who couldn’t afford it, it was free. The kids were between 6 and 13 years old.

What are you looking forward to the most?

I look forward to being there and experiencing everything this project will have me do. I am so excited to meet the other volunteers from all different countries and, of course, to be involved in the activities of the Don Bosco oratory!

Have you been in Belgium before?

I came to Belgium for the first time last spring, in April 2023, and I absolutely loved it! To be honest, I had low expectations because no one ever told me they had been there before, but it turned out to be one of my favourite trips. I visited Brussels, Ghent and Bruges. I am so excited to visit more areas of Belgium and of course revisit the cities I’ve already been to with other volunteers from different countries!